There are various conditions and diseases of the head, neck and oral cavity. The most serious form of pathology within our specialty is oral cancer. Oral cancer is not prevalent, but early diagnosis and treatment can be curative.

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What is a oral pathology?

There are various conditions and diseases of the head, neck and oral cavity. The most serious form of pathology within our specialty is oral cancer. Oral cancer is not prevalent, but early diagnosis and treatment can be curative. It is important to have a thorough evaluation of any lesions in order for it to be properly monitored.

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What is oral pathology treatment process?

During your consultation, Drs. Hall, Sy and Hui will perform a thorough head, neck and oral cavity examination. They are expertly trained to provide you education and information regarding your condition and will formulate a treatment plan best suited for you. The treatment options vary greatly depending on the examination. Sometimes careful observation is all that is needed, however other times a biopsy will be required to determine the cause of the pathology. A biopsy is when a piece of the tissue is surgically removed from the site and sent to a pathologist. The pathologist will examine the specimen to determine the diagnosis. Depending on what the final diagnosis is, your oral surgeon will be able to provide you with a plan of action for definitive treatment.


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